Important Disclaimer:
We would like to remind that while we endeavour to provide best possible services, CFI provides execution only services and any information, reports, opinions, commentary or other material he received directly from CFI or from its employees or through any provided analytical tools or third party research provided to the client from the Company shall not be deemed as investment advice and it cannot be relied upon to make investment decisions. The Client commits to make his own research and from external sources as well to make any investment. The Client agrees that CFI will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information. The contents of any report provided should not be construed as an express or implied promise, as a guarantee or implication that clients will profit from the strategies herein, or as a guarantee that losses in connection therewith can, or will be limited. The company is not responsible for any advertisements and/or propaganda promoted or issued by anyone other than our company in any way, and we are responsible for the advertisements issued by us only.